the company held a lean production project kick-凯发k8旗舰厅

the company held a lean production project kick-off meetingpublisher:tongdu flowviews:

in july 13, 2017, the company is on the 6 floor conference room held a lean production project to start the meeting, the chairman and general manager and team management personnel, counseling agencies american standard consulting project team, lean committee members attended the launch ceremony.
company chairman and general manager made a mobilization speech at the meeting, will carry out the purpose, requirements and significance of lean production project has been discussed, calling the company down together, unity of thinking, spirit, the tools of advanced lean concepts, methods, digestion and absorption and innovation into the company and the improvement. in order to improve production efficiency, improve product quality, reduce operating costs and achieve the sustainable development of enterprises.
the participants swore that the lean production project would continue to continue. it marks the formal departure of the company's lean production project.
